BUILDING YOUR SKILLS and understanding of your horse whilst HELPING YOU build trust and connection to GROW YOUR PARTNERSHIP.


    This complete bundled package includes access and support to the following courses:

    Buying & Supporting a New Horse eBook

    Confidence + Trust eBook

    Things to Know about Horses

    Establishing a Starting Point

    How to Round Pen a Horse

    How to Groundwork a Horse

    How to Build a Riding Foundation on a Horse

    Foundation for Contact & Connection

    This course bundle contains Dr Shelley Appleton's complete system for rebooting a horse's foundation from the ground up into the saddle. Learn how a robust foundation is key to a calm, willing and confident horse.

    This entire package allows you to follow the step by step process that is proving highly successful and simplifies processes to suit equestrians of all levels. The package comes with support assessment and feedback direct with Dr. Appleton as you make your way through the courses. Giving you access to one on one feedback to submitted course based videos.

    Value over $1300 (AUD)

    Complete Package $1099 (AUD) or

    12 x Payments of $112.95 (AUD)

  • Available in e-book or hard copy

    Nervous rider? Feeling frustrated? 

    In this book Dr Shelley Appleton helps you discover the origins and complexities of your frustrations and why the methods you may have been using haven’t helped. It gives you an understanding of the barriers that impact building confidence and trust in your horse.

    Dr Appleton uses a multilayered approach to understand where, how and why fears and frustrations come from and how to overcome them. 

    Are “brave” riders really brave?

    What she discovered redefines the “brave” rider as competent, trusting and above all analytical. This allowed her to identify that confidence can be expressed as an equation:

    Confidence = Competence (in yourself) x Trust (in your horse) x Time

    This equation allows riders to target the disconnect between human and horse, helping solve confidence issues and bringing back true enjoyment to riding.  

    This book focusses on delivering the message succinctly, making difficult concepts easy to understand and gives you a practical approach that is easily tailored to your situation.

    HARD COPY $25 (AUD) Available in Shop

    E-BOOK $23.95 (AUD)


    The first course in the Calm, Willing and Confident Horse series is now available.

    In Things to know about horses Dr Shelley Appleton presents information that is essential to understanding horses and how to set them up to learn to be calm, willing and confident. An excellent and highly experienced educator and academic, Shelley has produced a course that is easy to understand, appealing to all levels of understanding that pieces all the information together so that it makes practical sense. The course allows you to either download the notes or listen to presentations.

    The course consists of seven chapters and covers topics including:

    • Traits of horse behaviour

    • The horses brain and nervous system

    • How horses think and experience the world

    • Horse conformation and biomechanics

    • How horses learn

    This course will change the way you see and interpret how your horse is responding when you are working with it. It will help you make better decisions and remove the frustration when you understand the world from your horse’s perspective.

    $79.95 (AUD) or

    4 x Payments of $22.95 (AUD)


    This course introduces and explains how to perform the Backup-Forward-Yield Exercise (BFY Exercise). It is a vital starting point for training horses. It gets people to see a "horse's thoughts" for the first time....then see deep stuff like the horse's understanding, motivation, resistance at the microlevel....and how working at this microlevel requires you to become aware of yourself in a new way. When you capture a horse at this level and combine it with a new sense of awareness in yourself some really cool things happen...the horse starts following your feel (and you get to understand what this actually means!), it focuses and calms the horse, giving it clear concise messages. It looks innocuouis but it is HOW it is trained, WHAT you are observing and WHY you are really doing it that is way deeper than just teaching a horse to back up, come forward and yield its hindquarters.

    This course is organised into 5 Lessons:

    Each Lesson describes a step and includes a video & summary video and demonstration. Objectives are described for each lesson.

    You can also post a video of your progress in the discussion forum for the course to receive feedback.

    $79 (AUD) or

    4 x Payments of $22.95 (AUD)


    This course teaches a way of round penning horses that is simple for horses to learn and allows the horse to quickly feel confident at performing. The process also teaches you vital aspects of timing and feel that will help you become an effective horse trainer.

    What you will find:

    * 18 Lessons

    * 4 Step Process

    * Demonstration Video

    * Real Life Coaching Examples

    * Troubleshooting

    * Lots of visual

    * Key insights

    * Optional assessments and tasks

    * 2 hours of discussion and instruction

    Even discussions on magic, sending love to your horse and tests to perform. Each Step has homework to perform and a place to post reports and video links to receive my feedback (which is all included in the price!).

    I will continue to add to this course, so it will forever be evolving.

    $249 (AUD) or

    6 x Monthly Payments of $48.95 (AUD)


    "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"

    The Groundworking Process

    Following on from the How to Round Pen a Horse”, Dr. Shelley Appleton has developed a process that is effective at teaching people how to train horses to be calm, willing and confident. This course presents the groundwork exercises and activity that allow you to develop skills and insights that will help your horse and any horse you come across in the future.

    The process developed is simple in comparison to other trainers and clinicians.

    Shelley has found that a few exercises and responses done very well is superior to many exercises performed in an average way.

    The 5 Simple Steps

    In the course there is a 5 step process to follow with video demonstrations, success tips, written and graphical information to break the process down for you. Included are problem solving suggestions as well as discussion forums and feedback direct from Shelley to assist you through the course.

    $299 (AUD) or

    6 x Monthly Payments of $59.95 (AUD)


    "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"

    In this online and supported course, I have developed a process that is effective at teaching people how to train horses to be calm, willing and confident. This course progresses the material presented in How to Groundwork a Horse course. This course - How to Build a Riding Foundation on a Horse, presents the groundwork & riding exercises that allow you to develop skills and insights that sets you up to "re-boot" or re-train/re-start your horse's riding responses.

    The process I have developed is simple in comparison to other trainers and clinicians.

    This course teaches you that a few exercises and responses done very well is superior to many exercises performed in an average way.

    This course consists of five steps to progress through, Groundwork revision and bridling preparation, lateral flexion mounting and hind quarter yields, bend to a stop and introducing the bit, vertical flexion, halt, backup and downward transitions, milling and figures of 8.

    $449 (AUD) or

    6 x Monthly Payments of $82.95 (AUD)


    This course is for those that wish to progress their horse’s foundation training and introduce the bit or bitless bridle to start developing their horse’s contact responses and build towards connection.

    8 Simple Steps

    Follow video demonstrations, success tips, written and graphical information to break the process down for you. Included are discussions that provide advice on how to solve common problems. There is also feedback and advice available from Dr Shelley Appleton to assist you successfully through the course.

    This course helps your horse get "on the bit" or working in a frame, prevent you horse leaning on the bit, being "hard mouthed" or running through the bit. Helping with over-bending or avoiding the bit or contact, working behind the vertical, sticking the tongue over the bit, chewing or chomping on the bit, reefing, or head tossing. Getting anxious with shortened reins, steering responses. All issues that are necessary to solve to allowing a positive contact and connection to be built.

    $129 (AUD) or

    4 x Monthly Payments of $39.95 (AUD)

  • E-BOOK

    Most people own and ride horses as a hobby. Hobbies are something you choose to do for your own enjoyment. A hobby can help create the balance in life as you juggle life’s responsibilities and commitments. 
With most hobbies the stakes are zero, you don’t need to succeed and it is just something you enjoy doing. That might be so for knitting, photography, cycling, painting etc. with horse ownership there is a lot at stake, they are another living breathing creature with their own thoughts and emotions. Horses are expensive to keep, they can get injured or unwell and live for many years. 
When things don’t go well it can be emotionally and financially stressful. This guide outlines key considerations and processes I recommend you follow to help you make a good decision. It highlights the need to select an appropriate horse, seek transparency and disclosure in horses you are considering, and finally, respect the impact on horses when they change homes. It will make you aware of seeing a horse’s strengths, weaknesses as well as the potential opportunities and threats to your partnership.
 It also wishes to emphasise that horse shopping can be fun and needs to be enjoyed to its full extent! It is something that you need to take your time with, not rush. Setting yourself up with the right horse is integral to having fulfilling life with horses.

    $9.99 (AUD)


    When a horse suffers from separation anxiety it can be incredibly frustrating. It can make…

    • Working your horse at home difficult

    • Taking your horse to an event or competition difficult

    • Leaving another horse alone in a paddock difficult

    However, the information you will find in this course will remove this frustration, allow you to understand why it gets triggered and what you can do about it.

    Helps you identify horses that may be at risk of separation anxiety so you can study this aspect when you are considering purchasing a particular horse. What you will find in this mini-course tutorial:

    3 Part Lecture Series:

    • Part 1 Examines the causes of separation anxiety

    • Part 2 Introduces the ideas of profiling a horse’s individual herd dynamics

    • Part 3 Looks at how the ideas presented can be practically applied to help horses who suffer from separation anxiety

    Video examples of different ways horses can respond to stress.

    A workbook that guides users in an approach to help individual horses.

    $19.95 (AUD)


    Following on from Course 1 Things to know about horses”, Course 2 Establishing a Stating Point.”, Course 3 “How to Round Pen a Horse” and Course 4 “How to Groundwork a Horse” and “How to Build a Riding Foundation on a Horse”Shelley is busy preparing online course 6 in the Calm, Willing and Confident Horse series. These courses promise to continue your development in an easy to understand and highly functional way.

    Below is a list of online courses coming very soon:



    Courses 2 through to 5 are about applying training techniques and making good decisions based on knowledge learned from Course 1: Things to know about horses”.

    Other mini courses and tutorials are nearing completion with topics such as:




    and more, following on from the engaging podcast series Canter Therapy” and the popular weekly Facebook LIVE sessions.

Join the Membership Society today to receive 10% off all courses!